Pairing Wine with Jeyuk Bokkeum (Spicy Pork Bulgogi )【韓式辣炒豬肉與葡萄酒的餐酒搭配】

酒意思Sip with Joyce’s newest food and wine pairing video is now up on YouTube!!!

In this video, my dear friend Mina Kim shows us how to make Jeyuk Bokkeum (Spicy Pork Bulgogi), a staple Korean dish that is enjoyed more frequently than Beef Bulgogi in South Korea.

Can wine go with the spicy and sweet Jeyuk Bokkeum? Of course. Just keep watching and you will find my wine recommendations. If you like the video, please give it a like and subscribe to my channel 酒意思Sip with Joyce. Thank you so much! ❤️🙏❤️

Please find the full recipe and recommended wine list below.

各位觀眾,酒意思Sip with Joyce 的最新餐酒搭配上線囉!

喜歡韓國菜的朋友們有福啦!這集,我請到了我的韓國好朋友 Mina Kim 來為我們示範一道在韓國非常受歡迎,而且家家戶戶都會做的家常菜「韓式辣炒豬肉」

香甜爽辣的韓式辣炒豬肉能搭配葡萄酒嗎?當然可以。趕快來瞧瞧侍酒師Joyce 這回推薦了哪些葡萄酒做餐搭吧!


Full Recipe Provided by Mina Kim/ 食譜由 Mina Kim 提供

Ingredient/ 材料:

  • 1 lb sliced pork|豬肉片 1 磅

  • 1 leek |韭蔥1根

  • 1 tbsp vegetable oil|蔬菜油 1 大匙

  • 2 tbsp Sake|清酒 2 大匙

  • Pinch of ground black pepper |黑胡椒粉少許

Sauce/ 醬料:

  • 4 tbsp red pepper powder|辣椒粉 4 大匙

  • 4 tbsp soy sauce|醬油 4 大匙

  • 1 tbsp minced garlic|蒜末1 大匙

  • 1 tbsp soy sauce|醬油 1 大匙

  • 2 tbsp mirin|味醂2 大匙

  • 1 tbsp sugar|糖1 大匙

  • 1 tbsp vegetable oil|蔬菜油1 大匙


Step 1:

Cut the thinly sliced pork into 1 inch wide. Next, slice onion and cut leeks into smaller pieces. Let’s make the sauce. Mix Korean red pepper flakes, soy sauce, minced garlic, cooking rice wine, sugar, and oil, then set aside.

將豬肉片切成一英吋的小片狀。接下來將洋蔥切片 韭蔥切成小段。接著,我們來調製醬料。將韓式辣椒粉、醬油、蒜泥、味醂、糖及油倒進大碗中,攪拌均勻之後備用。

Step 2:

Put pork into a bowl and pour enough boiling water to cover the meat. Stir four to five times to get rid of the impurity of the meat. Wash pork in cold water about two minutes. Then squeeze water out of the meat with hands and set aside.

將豬肉片放進大碗中,注入滾燙的開水直到蓋過豬肉片。攪拌碗裡的肉片4-5次 以便洗掉豬肉的雜質。用冷水清洗豬肉片大約2分鐘。用力的將肉裡的水擠掉。擱在一旁備用。

Step 3:

Heat up the pan. Add some oil, sake, and a little bit of ground pepper. Add pork and give it a quick stir. When the pork is halfway done, add onions and leeks into the pan. When the pork is almost done, add the sauce and sauté until it is well distributed, and the meat is cooked through. Scatter toasted sesame seeds on top of the dish. Now, enjoy the Spicy Pork Bulgogi by wrapping it with fresh vegetables.

將鍋加熱,倒入油、清酒、還有一點黑胡椒粉。將肉片放入鍋中拌炒。當肉呈現半熟狀態時,將洋蔥及韭蔥加到鍋中,拌炒均勻。當豬肉快煮熟時,把調好的醬料加進來,將醬料炒開  當肉片完全熟透後且吸收了醬料的味道時,這道菜就完成了。盛盤後撒上白芝麻作點綴,就能端上桌囉!

Quick Tips from Mina/Mina 的貼心小提醒:

Like Kimchi, every household makes Spicy Pork Bulgogi with their own twists. You can add Kimchi or seafood, like squid or octopus, to make it more personal. The sauce can be adjusted to be sweeter or spicier according to your taste. I always serve rice with Spicy Pork Bulgogi. Many Koreans prefer wrapping the pork with fresh vegetables. This is a wonderful way to enjoy Spicy Pork Bulgogi. I hope you give it a try.


Wine List/ 酒單推薦


歡迎追蹤我的IG @joyce_foodnwine

Follow my Instagram account: @joyce_foodnwine for more food and wine pairing ideas! 






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